We have the experience you need

You are very good at your business. We are very good at marketing.


You don't yet need your own marketing person, but you need someone to learn your business and pitch in. That's us. We're only an email, text or call away.


Marketing materials - including copy, product or facility design, we have experts who will acheive what you want.


Once we get to know you, your product and your goals we will be your enthusiastic supporters. We will be thinking of you even when we're not working on your projects.

Meet your team

We are two, yet with trusted friends and associates, we are a multitude

Maureen Sanner


People ask, "Don't all those deadlines and details make you crazy?" Nope. They make me feel alive. Let's get to work!

Dennis Sanner


Marketing, design, product development, packaging, POS, sourcing, QC and research.

But first, a few words . . .

Get in Touch

Send us an email, we'll reply.

Find us at the office

Indianapolis, Indiana USA

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